Mary - Sponsor Now


Place TICC

Age 14

Last Name Namakula

Gender Female

Boarder Yes

School TICC

Grade P5

Biography Mary lives with her aunt because her parents live far from the school. She has 5 siblings and there are 13 people at home. Her father does not have a job and her mother is a hair dresser. Mary loves to play with other children.

Health Status Mary is a healthy girl.

Mother Name Bridget Nakazzi

Father Name Tadeuas Waswa

Guardian Name Allen Nakato

Guardian Relationship Aunt

Bio Last Updated 2020-07-15

Namakula will be joining  primary one next year 2017 and below are her classroom results.

Subject          Scores

Literacy 1: 98%
Literacy 2: 99%
Literacy 3: 98%
Literacy 4: 98%
Literacy 5: 87%
Reading skills: 98%
Art and Craft: 91%
Writing Skills: 80%
Religious Education: 80%.
Classroom Position: 14th out of 88 pupils.



She is now in P.4O