Frank - Sponsor Now


Place gomba

Last Name Ahimbisibwe

Gender Male

Boarder No

School GICC

Grade P5

Biography Frank lives with both parents who are peasant farmers. He has 1 sibling at GICC and there are 5 people at home.

Health Status He is healthy.

Mother Name Serena Kyalisiima

Father Name Garson Twebaze

Guardian Name Parents

Bio Last Updated 2021-05-13

Francis will be joining primary two next year. Below are his classroom scores for the year 2016.

                  Subject                         Scores

English:  70%                    
Mathematics: 82%
Literacy 1: 76%
Religious Education: 70%
Literacy 2: 70%
Luganda: 76%.
Classroom Poosition: 7th out of 34 pupils.